Sabtu, 01 Maret 2014

Mengubah Kalimat Aktif Menjadi Pasif dalam 16 Tenses #2

  1. Past
9. Simple Past
Aktif : S + V2 + O
Pasif : O + tobe + V3
Contoh :
a.       broke the glass. => The glass was broken (by me).
b.      My mom told me. => I was told (by my mom).

10.  Past Future
Aktif : S + Would + V1 + O
Pasif : O + Would + be + V3
a.       I would spend the money. => The money would be spent (by me).
c.       His father would hit him. => He would be hit (by his father).

11.  Past Perfect
Aktif : S + Had + V3 + O
Pasif : O + Had + been + V3
a.       You had eaten that food. => The food had been eaten (by you).
b.      Her sister had called me for some help. => I had been called (by her sister) for some help.

12.  Past Continuous
Aktif : S + tobe (was/were) + V-ing + O
Pasif : O + tobe (was/were) + being + V3
a.         I was drinking a cup of coffee. => A cup of coffee was being drunk (by me)
b.        His mother was cooking meal for breakfast. => Meal for breakfast was being cooked (by his mother).

13.  Past Future Perfect
Aktif : S + Would + Have + V3 + O
Pasif : O + Would + Have + been + V3
Contoh :
a.     They would have watched that movie. => That movie would have been watched (by them).
b.    Our teacher would have taught us for 1 year. => We would have been taught (by our teacher) for 1 year.

14.  Past Future Continuous
Aktif : S + Would + be + V-ing
Pasif : O + Would + be + being + V3
Contoh :
a.       We would be cleaning the house. => The house would be being cleaned (by us).
b.      She would be fixing your life. => Your life would be being fixed (by her)

15.  Past Perfect Continuous
Aktif : S + Had + been + V-ing + O
Pasif : O + Had + been + being + V3
Contoh :
a.         My cat had been eating your fish. => Your fish had been being eaten (by my cat).
b.        He had been changing my life. => My life had been being changed (by him).

16.  Past Future Perfect Continuous
Aktif : S + Would + Have + been + V-ing + O
Pasif : O + Would + Have + been + being + V3
Contoh :
a.    My wife would have been driving the car. => The car would have been being driven (by my wife).
b.   My husband would have been climbing the wall. => The wall would have been being climbed (by my husband).

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